Mr Usman

Thursday, 13 February 2014

SEO Tips and Tricks for free blog blogger

Posted by networm on 05:28 with No comments
By this useful article you teach about free blog blogger SEO tips and tricks  and also very easy and simple methods has been desccribed in this article, if you have read this article careful you can move your free blog blogger page rank high in Search Engines. This article is very useful for new blog owner they want to improve their blogger blogger quickly and easily. I have tested that following tips and tricks regarding SEO are very useful and also liked by my some friends and other readers also.  I have to try to make the best tips for the easiness of visitors and readers also. Now I tell you simple step by step suggestions and tips look the following main points.

Main headings and summary

1.   Introduction of SEO
2.   Set title tags with seo based blogspot
3.   Make search engine friendly permalinks 
4.   Insert  buttons in blogspot
5.   Add sitemap to famous search engines 
6.   Make excellence links
7.   Write great posts for blogger
8.   Make keyword rich contents
9.   Run feeds of blogspot carefully
10. Use Web Analytics Services

1.   Introduction of SEO

Blogger SEO is very important, by this article I will teach you step by step suggestions and tips to boost Blogger traffic. If you are not aware about Blogger SEO, by this tutorial you can improve your Blogger SEO knowledge. By the way you have read lot of articles regarding Blogger SEO but this article is very different than the others. This article displays all SEO confidential for beginners and new Blogspot owners who want earning money through Google Adsense and adding banners of other companies. I describe that lot of new Blogger (Blogspot) owners have introduced their Blogs, however due to weak SEO rules they could not earn any penny as yet. If you implemented on my suggestions and tips your Blogspot will grow much traffic in major Search Engines and also you will get high page ranking. Now I advised that read the following tips with carefully for improvement of Blogger SEO.

2.   Set SEO based title tags in blogspot

It is very important issues that correct the title tags of your Blogspot in Search Engines and adjust the titles according the rules of SEO. If your title tags are not optimized Search Engine friendly you will face more difficulties in Blogspot. Lot of Search Engines preference first word of the entry which is puts on your Blogspot. When you check your post in your Blogspot and you will judge that the Blogspot name explains first in the title bar of your browser? This process is very disadvantages in search engine results. Luckily it is easy to turn around the Blog name and the post name with an easy tweak. Read more about title tags please check my useful and profitable article Change Blogger Post Title Tags.

3.    Make search engine friendly permalinks

I can not hide that Blogger regularly makes a permalink based title of the Blogspot post. Whenever you make a post in Blogspot and you would use technique to build the title carefully. Permalinks should be very short, I think longer permalinks creates problems and are not friendly support in Search Engines. It is bear in mind that before publishing of article setup the title of your post because once permalinks of the title has made and then it could not be changed longer. For more information and guidance please read my useful and advantageous article Set Permalinks Blogger Posts.

4.    Insert social bookmarking buttons in blogspot

In these days increasing the demand of Social Bookmarking sites everyone like to register Social sites because lot of traffic comes from these sites. I have judged that everybody likes to show Social Bookmarking buttons on their Blogs or Websites really this is very important and perform key role to boost traffic. We create links to popular Social Bookmarking sites for the growing of traffic actually it is very good practice such as Technorati, Google, MySpace, Facebook, Digg, Reddit,Delicious, Stumble Upon, Furl etc are very famous Social Bookmarking sites in the world of Internet. You can get more traffic if you have shared links of Social Bookmarking sites with visitors and readers through your Blogspot Blog. Another additional advantage of a social Bookmarking buttons is that you will be able to recognize visitor’s movement and Social Bookmarking performance on your Blogger Blog. I have written very profitable article with full details please read for more guidance and knowledge Add Social Bookmark Buttons in Blogger

5.    Add sitemap to famous search engines

Your Blogspot Blog is properly indexing in famous search engines or not, otherwise insert Sitemap of your Blogspot Blog with Yahoo, Google, Bing, and other famous Search Engines. When you will insert Sitemap of your Blogspot Blog properly this is very good way to increase more traffic. Whenever famous Search Engines are not aware from your Blogspot address you can not success. Now I will teach you step by step tips and tricks how you will insert Sitemap of your Blogspot Blog in famous Search Engines, please read my helpful articles their details are given below:

6.    Make excellence links

I advice that find best methods to make links to your Blogger Blog, my first opinion is that take advantage from Blog Directories are very easy way to increase your Blogger traffic.  If you want more and more traffic contact with authoritative site owners, lot of owners are keen to insert link from their Blogs and sites to others. Another good method I have found during the searching online a good directory named DMOZ, in this directory you can submit your Blog address, it is good source of getting traffic, before submitting your address please check Directory project and sent your Blogger address in correct subject. To see this not only are links take in by search engines, but they also act as a valve on the shoulder to other Bloggers who can easily recognize who is linking to their Blogs. This may guide them to become new readers of your Blog or to insert links to your Blog. You can get links to other Blogs a step ahead by departure a trackback on the other Blog to let them recognize you have linked to them. Blogs that permit trackbacks will contain a link back to your Blogger Blog in the comments section of the post that you originally linked with your Blog. In this field links one of the strongest parts of your Blog.

7.    Write great posts for blogger

If you want visitors, readers come back to your Blogspot time to time. In this regard have patience but your written posts are sole and helpful for others. Script unique contents are absolutely the key of success. Do not make duplicate contents from other Blogs, I think this procedure will destroy your coming traffic. The right decision at this point is to write posts in your own words and include your own useful opinions and ideas. Quality posts are the stair of your success in the Blogging world. I have read millions of articles in this regard lot of successful writers emphasized in the importance of quality posts. In my experience make better SEO and write genuine articles Search Engines prefer to those which are consisting of best information and profitable for others. Another disadvantage reason is that to avoid your contents from grammar mistakes and spelling errors. Take care with the management of your images because in your written article images give a beautiful professional look to your Blogspot Blog. Article of your Blog should be 400 words and above it gives more interest to your visitors and readers and also help for better SEO. I say for your more information and knowledge that frequently short contents missed in Search Engines. If you write your posts frankly for others and use simple and profitable words and you give your own ideas and opinions really you are very lucky and you are successful person in the field of Blogging. Commonly visitors and readers prefer valuable posts if they found real things in your article to see this they will return back to your Blogspot Blog. I can not guess how much visits on your Blogspot in 24 hours, it depending on your best quality articles. If your visitors and readers judged that your article is duplicate they will not return back on your Blogspot Blog.

8.    Make keyword rich contents

If you want to make your Blogspot Blog according SEO generate Keyword Rich contents. If you want to improve your contents in Search Engines choose those keywords in the starting and end of the article. What is keywords read keyword density you will know that how keywords are significant. This is very good technique in your post that you have used important keywords and keyword phrases frequently. One thing is importance that save your post from overload keywords because Google is very elegant enough to distinguish if your pages are beleaguered with keywords and nothing much else. I advice that use Google Adwords will help you quickly and show capacity keywords and rich objects selected keywords paste in Live Keyword Analysis, it will guide you better keyword orders. Another reason is that when you start to write article make sure that opening sentences explains what article is about and includes your keywords and keyword phrases.

9.    Run feeds of blogspot carefully

Your Blogger feeds are very important method to create reliable backlinks for Blogger and sites are really precious can improve your page ranking in famous Search Engines. In this regard you can obtain help about backlinks from Blogger Help Article About Backlinks. Make sure that Blogger RSS feed icons are clearly able to be seen for visitors and readers. You can forward your feed to a feedburning like Feedburner and after that add a chicklet to your Blog or site in “Orange RSS feed button” as a result feed is available on click. Please read and check my articles Burn Blogger Feeds at Feedbuner,  Function of Blogger  RSS Feeds. If you want to insert FeedFlare please read my article Add FeedFlare to Blogger Feed.Add subscription links widget to a sidebar, if you have not burn your feed you can try adding a Subscription Links widget to a sidebar to give confidence to visitors and readers. You will find the contribution Links widget available under the list of gadgets. Show your most recent posts by configuring a feed widget. Under Layout > Page Elements add a feed gadget to a sidebar. Enter the URL of the default feed of your Blogspot which will be and then go by recent posts in the title after that save your Blogger Blog. If you want to know more please read my useful and informative article Insert New Posts Feed to Blogspot and also you want to display recent comments on sidebar please enter this: and for more information and knowledge read my article Insert New Comments Feed to Blogspot Sidebar. You have not sure that your site or Blog Feeds to show the full text and go to your Blogger account and sign in then navigate to Settings> Site Feeds and select yes from the drop down box for all three feeds. You have to consider feed especially for accepted label if it includes more and more posts.

10.    Use web analytics services

Web Analytics are valuable tool for visitors and reader’s performance and movement. In this regard Google Analytics will prove that how users reach and behave on your Blogspot Blog and also inform you about most popular contents of your Blogger. Web Analytics are realize that how to progress crawling and indexing of your Bloodspot in Search Engines like Google,Yahoo, Bing and MSN. I describe that Web Analytics give good support to boost traffic on your Blogspot Blog. For more information and guidance please read my articel  Insert Google Analytics to Blogger

I hope this comprehensive article on Blogger SEO will be very useful and informative for beginners, New Blogspot owners and readers who want to earn money by Google Adsense and Affiliate Marketing Banners. I have discussed all SEO rules in this article and also describe points like, Set Title Tags, Make Search Engine Friendly Permalinks, Insert Social Bookmarking Buttons, Adding Sitemap to famous Seach Engines, Make links of your Blogspot to other sites, Make Quality Posts for Blogspot, Make keyword rich contents, Manage RSS Feeds and use of Analytics Services also. How I improve and write more articles on this topic, if find any mistake please suggest me for correction. I will be highly obliged all readers and Blogspot owners for their precious ideas, opinions regarding my article.


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