1- Social Media Sharing Widget Below Every Post Footer
2- Floating Horizontal Social Media Bookmarking Widget
This one also very beautifull and attractive widget while reading Blogger post and scroll down the window immediate after a Sharing or Like Button Bar will appear from the top from visitors can like and share your post.
3- 4 in 1 Social Media Side Popout Widget.
In this widget you can see as per picture shown above, that visitors can follow your social media pages such as Facebook, Twitter and and GooglePlus one button for bookmarking on the Googleplus. Also having a slide for Email Subsciption.
4- Beautiful Author Box Widget with Social Media Subscription
This one I will most recommend for my entire visitors because I have got bundle of visitors on my this post. May you have find this widget on so many websites. This widget having also Social Media Following Option with RSS Feed and Email Subcription.
5- Smooth Breakable Floating Social Media Bookmarking Widget
Before you have seen such floating social media widget in so many website but what in this post is something different. After installing this Floating widget you will find difference in other Floating Social media Widget and in this one that how floating Social Media Widget is working when you scroll the page.
6- Mashable Style Social Media Bookmarking Widget V2
This one also great widget for your Blog because in this widget almost all top and best social media website are included as while visitors like your post and try to submit feedback or like your post easily then can bookmarking your Blog on Facebook twitter google plus Pinterest youtube email subscription etc.
7- Mashable Style Social Media Bookmarking Widget with JQuery V3
Above I have mentioned all the great features of this widget. But what is different here is JQuery Features. Yes! This one is the Popup Mashable Style Social Media Bookmarking widget. When visitors come on your site immediate during page loading you will find this widget as Popup window on your Blog.
8- Image Hover Social Media Sharing Widget
May be you have seen on somewhere that when your mouse pointer on the image immediately Pinterest icon appear on the image but this one has more features. When you come across on the image you will find on the image mouse hover, Facebook twitter and Pinterest sharing button on the image from where you and your visitors can easily share your post on the these three Social Media Websites.
9- Popup Email Subscription Widget with Social Media Bookmarking
Another Popup Widget with JQuery features for your Blog. May I have also installed this widget on my Blog. But if not you can visit it for more features.
10- Metro Style Social Media Subscription Widget V2
Beautiful widget which attract your visitors to subscribe you on the Social Media website. This is look like windows 8 start screen hope you will like this widget.
Hope all above plugins will help you for better blogging. I will wait for your feedback for my this post. For tips and tricks more you can follow and subscribe us on the following Social Media Networks for stay connected with us.
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