Mr Usman

Showing posts with label tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tricks. Show all posts

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Today i'm Going To Share With You A New Great Stylish Popup Facebook Like Box Widget For Blogger And Wordpress. Now You Can Get Likes For Your Facebook Page And Drive Social Media Traffic Also To Your Website/Blog. It is Very Simple Way To Get it And You Don't Need To Know Any Language of Web Just Follow Our Steps For This. It is Very Helpful To You. Now You Can Get Likes Easily For Your Facebook Business Page Because When visitors Came To Your Blog And Popup Will Automatically Show on The Home Page And Force The Visitors To Like Our Facebook Fan Page.

How To Add Popup Facebook Like Box Widget ?

Just Follow Our Steps Carefully And Enjoy Our Tutorial. You Can Also Read Our Last Article About :
                                      TOP 5 Best Premium Blogger Templates  
  • Go To Blogger Dashboard 
  • Layout >> Add New HTML Widget 
  • Past Below Code In It And Click on Save
<! beautiful facebook popup like box ends------------> <style type="text/css"> * html
#Moontricksstylepopupdiv { position:absolute; overflow:hidden;} #Moontricksstylepopupdiv { display:block; top:0px;
left:0px; width:100%; height:100%; position:fixed; background-color:none; margin:0; overflow-y:hidden;}
#Moontricksstylepopup { background-color: #fff; overflow:none; overflow:hidden;} .Moontricksstylepopup { width:333px;
overflow:hidden; height:370px; position:fixed; top:45%; left:50%; margin-top:-210px; margin-left:-200px; border: 10px solid
#999; padding: 20px;} </style> <!--[if lte IE 6]> <style type="text/css"> /*<![CDATA[*/ html {overflow-x:auto; overflow-
y:hidden;} /*]]>*/ </style> <![endif]--> <div id="Moontricksstylepopupdiv"> <div id="Moontricksstylepopup"
class="Moontricksstylepopup"> <center> <h3 class="title"> <img src="
y59ffB_1WgQ/Ua9mSc9idpI/AAAAAAAABEM/YZiBgEtgQe8/h117/fb0.png" /> </h3> </center> <center> <iframe
width=300&amp;colorscheme=light&amp; show_faces=true&amp; border_color=%23ffffff&amp; stream=false&amp;header=false&amp;
height=250" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:300px; height:216px;"
allowtransparency="true"> </iframe> </center> <div style=" float:left; margin-left:0px; font-size:9px; cursor:pointer;" >
<a style=" font-size:9px; color:#3B78CD; text-decoration:none;" onmouseup="document.getElementById
('Moontricksstylepopupdiv') .style.display='none'"> <img src="
16fI/AAAAAAAABEs/valx8qUqNV4/h120/exit.png"/> </a> </div> </div> </div> <! beautiful facebook popup
like box ends------------>

Editing :

Just Replace Your Facebook Fan Page Username With and Enjoy Our Tutorial Please Like Us And Follow Us On Google+ And Subscribe Also..

Last Words :

If You Get Problem With It our Can't understand Our Process Then Comment Here Without Tension And Enjoy Our Blog Article.
Read Also Our Article : Top 5 Tips To Build Quality Backlinks For Your Blog To Increase Traffic
Now here we go today I'll show you the new Facebook page name tip for Facebook page admins. In this tip you can change your Facebook page name after The likes limit of your Facebook page. It is a great tip for those who want to change their Facebook page name after 200 likes I think because I don't have any Facebook page but I will teach you how to change Facebook page name after 200 likes limit. Its very tip you just need to follow our steps carefully and feel relax.

Don't Miss It>>  Change Your Facebook New Layout

How To ?

Firstly you need to know is your Facebook fan page is place page or not by go to edit the page settings and check your address tab. If location map is visible mean available then it means your Facebook fan page is placed. If location map is not available then add any accurate address to your Facebook fan page.

Facebook Page Address :

If your page is not place page then you need to create a new local business fan page with the same name which have accurate address then we merge it easily.
If you have placed page then open your Facebook fan page from another Fake Facebook account or friend's account which is not the admin of your Facebook page.
  • Now you can see suggest an Edit button click on that
  •  Then you will see a popup box about to suggest information and now replace the name you want.

NOTE : Ask your 15-20 friends to suggest with the name you want to change

  • After that you will receive the notification from Facebook about review of changing names.

  • Now accept the notification and after some minutes the name of your Facebook fan page will change automatically
  • My Friend changed the name of the page which have 75K plus likes.

Last Words :

Now its your turn to do that I'm simply describe my new tip for you and if you like our article then please subscribe us and please like our Facebook fan page also.

Friday, 21 February 2014

10 Places to put Adsense ads in Blogger

Posted by networm on 23:30 with 2 comments

10 Places to put Adsense ads in Blogger

In this article we'll talk about the most common 10 places in our blog where we can add AdSense ads and about how we can implement these and we'll get to know as well which are the most suitable formats based on those available in our AdSense account.

Adsense Advertisements

In the Sidebar

adsense, ads, add adsense blogger

How to implement

This is one of the easiest areas to put AdSense. Just go to the Page Elements (Layout), click on the "Add a Gadget" link, then add an HTML/Javascript widget with your ad code inside it or add directly an AdSense widget.

Recommended formats: 125 × 125, 120 × 600 and 160 × 600, 300 x 600

Between posts

blogger posts, blogger tricks, adsense ads

Implementation. You can add AdSense ads between your posts by going to Layout, click on the "Edit" link below the Blog Posts section, then check the "Show Ads Between Posts" option.

Recommended formats: 468 × 60, 300 × 250 and 336 × 280

Under the header

blogger header, blogger tips, adsense


Before anything, you need to convert your AdSense ad code - you can use this converter here:

AdSense Ad Converter

Next thing to do is to go to your Blogger Template (log in to your Blogger Dashboard, click on Template and press the Edit HTML button) and click anywhere inside the code area to search for the following code using the CTRL + F keys:
<div id='header-wrapper'>
Paste the converted code right after it.

Recommended formats: 728 × 90 and 728 × 15

Above the blog posts

make money, adsense, blogger tutorials


Convert your ad code and search for <div id='main-wrapper'> in your template.

Paste the converted code right after it.

Recommended formats: 460 × 68, 468 × 15 and 336 × 280

Under the post title (this will be visible on all the pages)

money online, blogger tricks, how to blogger

Convert your AdSense ad code and go to your Template > Edit HTML > click anywhere inside the code area and search for the following line (CTRL + F):
<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
Note: if you can't find it, search it without the ending slash /

Paste the converted code right after it.

Recommended formats: 468 × 68 and 468 × 15

Under the post title (visible only on the posts pages)


Convert your ad code and then go to your Template, click anywhere inside the code area and look for:
<div class='post-header-line-1'/>
Note: if you can't find it, search it without the trailing slash /

Paste the converted code, following this example:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

<!-- Add here the code of your ad -->

Recommended formats: 468x68 and 468x15

In the posts' footer

post footer, adsense, blogger blogspot


Convert your ad code and then go to your Template > click anywhere inside the code area and look for:
<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'/>
Note: if you can't find it, search it without the trailing slash /

Paste the converted code right after this line.

Recommended formats: 468x68 and 468x15

In the post's body (it will be visible on all pages)

adsense how to, blogger tricks, gadgets


Convert your ad code and then go to your Template > click anywhere inside the code area and look for:
<div class='post-body entry-content'>
Note: in case you don't fint this code, search only for <div class='post-body'>

And paste the converted code by following the example below:
<div style='float:right'>

<!-- Add here the code of your ad -->

Recommended formats: 125x125, 180x150, 120x240 and 200x200

In the post's body (visible only in post pages)

Convert your ad code and then go to your Template, click anywhere inside the cod area and look for:
<div class='post-body entry-content'>
Note: in case you don't fint this code, search only for <div class='post-body'> 

And paste the converted code by following this example:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div style='float:right'>

<!-- Add here the code of your ad -->

Recommended formats: 125x125, 180x150, 120x240 and 200x200

Between post and comments (visible only on posts pages)


Convert your ad code and then go to your Template, click anywhere inside the code area and look for:
<b:includable id='commentDeleteIcon' var='comment'>
Paste the converted code just above it, following this example:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

<!-- Add here the code of your ad -->

Recommended formats: 468x60, 300x250 and 336x280

In the blog's footer

blogger footer, adsense ads, make money online


Convert your ad code and then go to your Template, click anywhere inside the code area and look for:
<div id='footer-wrapper'>
Paste the converted code right after it.

Recommended formats: 728x90 and 728x15


Some questions that are likely to arise:

I can't find the codes, what should I do?
When searching for a specific code, make sure that you have no spaces before/after it. These are the default codes of Blogger and should be found in all the templates unless they have been modified by the template designer.

Why should I convert my AdSense code?
The Blogger's Template reads it as text and not as code so it is better to avoid any errors when trying to save it.

The ads are not displaying properly, why is that?
The ads could be affected by the styles (CSS) selectors (divs) containing them and some templates could be wrong designed, then you should consider modifying these styles, look for another relevant place or in extreme cases, change the template.

Can I put the all 10 codes on my blog?
No, you should choose just one of the locations where you want to put the ads considering that AdSense have some limits on the number of ads that could be displayed. Try to make a balance with your content.

Why there should be only 3 ads displayed on the main page?
This is due to the limit set by AdSense. Combine the type of ads (text, rich media ads and link units) if you want to show more ads.
Hopefully, this guide will be useful to those of you who need to display AdSense ads on your blog.
Due to Lot of changes day by day in interface and its features, it comes in my mind I should update this article for providing exact and updated information about how to create blog on (blogspot) with new interface and tell you about its best features to get well experience and most out.
how to create blog on blogger

Blogger Basics

Launched in 1999, Blogger, Google Service, is a great way to create your own blog to start. Blogger completely free with free hosting.
Blogger is for:
To share your thoughts, photos, and more with friends and the world.
Easy to deploy text, images and videos and the Internet or from your mobile phone.
Unlimited resilience to customize your blog with themes, tools, and more. There is also some site which provides online blogging courses from which you will learn complete blogging, how do I blog and start make money from your blog with traffic and the help of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

How to Create Blog on Blogger (Blogspot) New Interface

Step 1: Sign Up for a Google Account

You will need a Google account to build your own blog on Blogger. If you already have one, you do not need to create a new account, simply follow these steps.

Step 2: Go to then Sign In

how to create blogspot blog
How to create blog on blogger new interface
Just Simply Add Your Blog Title in the Title Field i.e. An Island for Blogging Tips and Tricks
and Insert Your blog URL address in the second field i.e. my-personal-photo
In last select any theme from the templates section and click on the Create Blog Button.
finally you have created your free blog on blogger and thereafter its take you to Blogger dashboard. check the following screenshot
Blogger Dashboard New Interface
Blogger Dashboard New Interface

Enable Meta Description for  Blogger Blog

This is the major issue which is mostly avoided by newbie and they still don’t know what is it. but after lot of changes in Search Engines algorithm and SEO factors this information must be shared with all blogspot user to enable meta description for your blogspot blog and every post.
  • Sign up for
  • Sign In
  • Friends
  • Customize Your
  • T mobile phones
  • Create Blog
  • New Accounts
  • Which You
  • Sign
  • Friends And
  • Sign up for
  • Sign In
  • Friends
enable meta tags description in blogspot
How to enable meta tags description in blogspot
Note : After making enable this feature you can add meta description to your every blogger post from post settings.

How to Write Post in

Some newcomers still unaware how to create post in blogger because I have found and notified some blogger are creating pages instead of blog post. Check the above screenshots there is an orange button of New Post click on it and you will see the following page where you have to write your article or any post for your blog.
Create Post in Blogger
How to Create Post in Blogger new interface
As i have mentioned above about meta description, after enabling this feature as stated above, there will be another option in Post setting tab of Search Description where you have to describe search engines what you have written means a small description for search engines i.e. Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. about Your written post.
Creating Writing Tips for Blogging

Add Blog Description

You can easily add or change your Blog title and add brief description for your blog. Check this screenshot
Change Blog Title and Description in Blogger
How to Change Blog Title and Description in Blogger
Fix Duplicate Meta Description in Blogger

How To Create Page on Blogger

Check the Following Screenshot for creating pages on Blogger Blog.
create pages in Blogger
How to create pages in Blogger

Check Traffic Stats in Blogger Dashboard

For checking blog traffic you don’t have to use third-party tool or any other stats website, Just use your Blogger Dashboard and check all out stats of your blog. Go to Stats tab and check traffic sources, traffic per post, audiences location easily from single click.
How to Check Blogspot Traffic Stats
How to Check Blogspot Traffic Stats

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Chitika vs Google AdSense – A Review

Posted by networm on 08:34 with No comments
Google AdSense is undoubtedly the best blog monetization PPC network which has been unbeatable in world of online advertising. Now a days, it is hard to get Google AdSense and for that reason, blog and website owners look for any good AdSense alternative. Chitika is one of AdSense alternatives which is loved by several publishers due to easy account approval at the network. At Chitika, you don’t face any big trouble in getting approval, but Chitika can’t be the true AdSense alternative and it is a reality that an AdSense competitor hasn’t born yet in the world of PPC advertising.
I tried Chitika for one of my blogs last year but after a month, I removed their ads. In this review, I will compare the two networks, Chitika and AdSense, and will look over the similarities and differences among the two. I am not going to write a lengthy and boring review, instead I am comparing the two networks in below table where I have compiled a list of most important features for which a publisher looks at the network he is going to join.

Chitika vs AdSense

CPCBelow Average : +/- $0.3 for Regular and +/-$3 for Premium PublishersBest (Up to $100 per click)
RPM, CPM, eCPMBelow AverageBest
Ad DesignHorrible (Ads look spammy)Attractive
Customer SupportGoodPoor
Fill RateLow100%
Ad ChoicesLimitedDiverse
Ad CustomizationLimitedExtensive
Account ApprovalEasyHard
Advertiser CareAverageGreat
Publisher CareGoodAverage
Publishers FeelOkayHappy
Long Term RetainEasyHard
Publisher Activity ModerationPoorStrict

So these were the most important features for which I look before joining any PPC network and above was what me and my friends have experienced with Chitika to date. Have you also experienced Chitika? If yes, then don’t forget to share your experience.
I am with Google AdSense from the early days of my blogging journey and AdSense is generating a steady and solid income for me. Over past few months, I tried to practice affiliate marketing too and got good results despite of the poor efforts which I put in IM. Today I decided to compare the two popular online content monetization ways by thinking that this comparison might help you in understand which one is better for you.
Although I am sharing my experience with you, but at the end, you need to analyze yourself, your website or blog traffic and several other things to decide which one is easier for you to get success with. Some people find Internet Marketing more profitable than AdSense and for several, AdSense performs well. Below is what I am experiencing with Google AdSense and affiliate marketing here at my blog.

Google AdSense or Affiliate Marketing

My Journey With Google AdSense: As I said earlier that I am with Google AdSense from the earliest days of my blogging career. When I jumped into the blogging field, I was unaware about affiliate marketing and Google AdSense was the only monetization source I was knowing a little bit about. When I got AdSense for the first time, my blog traffic was not good, still I never had any issues with the earnings.
The earnings with AdSense are satisfying and I never thought about using any other PPC network or any monetization method for several months. A few months back, I tried MadAdsMedia but it sucked. Meantime, I decided to try HostGator and Payoneer affiliate programs and below is what I experienced.
Affiliate Marketing and My Blog: Both HostGator and Payoneer, which I tried, are reputable brands in their industry and I never faced any issue in promoting these services. I just wrote honest reviews about both of the two networks as I was using both HostGator and Payoneer’s services. The results were brilliant and I succeeded in bringing several customers into these networks.
The aggregate earnings with affiliate programs of HostGator and Payoneer were bigger than that of Google AdSense. HostGator paid me decent commissions for bringing new customers to it. Payoneer also sent me several attractive commissions for the verified and approved referrals I sent to it. It compelled me to think that if I work harder in affiliate marketing, my blog traffic’s earning potential is greater than that of Google AdSense.
payoneer-referral-rewardPayoneer Rewards Me with $25 for Each Qualified Referral
But as I am not a full time blogger, so I can’t work harder in affiliate marketing. In future, I might turn completely towards blogging. Still my first goal is to become a premium publisher at Google AdSense and I might not practice affiliate marketing, because Google AdSense is generating a decent income for me with minimum efforts :) .
For You, AdSense or Affiliate Marketing? It depends on your skills, your blog traffic and the time and efforts you put in your online business either which one earns good for you, Google AdSense or affiliate marketing. If you have strong skills in motivating people towards your ideas, then affiliate marketing is a good option for you.
In addition, your blog traffic also matters. With a very small traffic, you may not be able to earn good with AdSense but in such a situation, affiliate marketing may work better for you. A few sales of affiliate products will earn you decent commissions.
To elaborate this further, let’s take an example. Say you have a website where 100 people visit daily. For a single ad, the impressions will be 100. With a CPC of around $0.5 and a CTR of 5%, one AdSense ad will earn you $2.5 and 3 AdSense ads will earn you $7.5.
Now lets perform a calculation for an affiliate product where say the commission is $20 per sale, but it is bigger at several affiliate programs. Now if only 5 people out of 100 purchase the product, you will earn $100 :) . Isn’t it interesting? Yes affiliate marketing is good for websites and blogs where traffic is too small.
affiliate-adsense-earningsMy Earnings with HostGator Affiliate, Payoneer Affiliate and AdSense Over Past 6 Months
Conclusion: Internet Marketing has greater potential than Google AdSense in generating money and it can earn you bigger than Google AdSense, but Google AdSense is the easiest to work with. You just need to paste some lines of a code on your blog and forget about dealing with customers, advertisers and other frustrating things. Google AdSense will serve relevant sponsored ads automatically.
With affiliate marketing, you need to work harder to make sales. If you fail to make any sales, you will not earn even a penny, but with Google AdSense, it isn’t necessary either the person going through your ads makes a purchase or not. Moreover, with affiliate marketing, you need to be cautious about products before promoting them as a crap product may ruin your audience’s trust over you.
So this was a brief comparison of the two popular website and blog monetization sources, the AdSense and Internet Marketing. Don’t worry, if you are still confused on which one to be chosen. You can use both on your website or blog, and work harder with the one you are most interested in. It will boost your online content’s revenue.
If your blog is well optimized for AdSense it can earn you good, and if not, then you will face the most frustrating issue of worst earnings at AdSense despite of having decent traffic. I have experienced this in early days when I was new with AdSense. After reading several articles, by following AdSense recommendations and by doing experiments, I have now optimized AdSense for my blog where its performance is good. I don’t say that I have super-optimized it, but at least have improved CTR and CPC greatly which were once the worst for me. If your AdSense ads are receiving very few clicks or if the CPC is tool low there, I have come up with some tips which will surely help you in improving your AdSense earnings by making adjustments to ads on your blog.

Improving AdSense Earnings

CTR: CTR is a major factor which decides how much your blog earns. In addition to its direct impact on earnings, it has some indirect influences also which are mostly not understood by publishers. If the placement of ads on your blog isn’t good, then they will receive very few clicks and as a result, your earnings will stay low.
To improve your ads CTR, I would recommend you the below ad placement as I have found it as working best for me and will surely work for you too.
A 336×280 Image/Text Below Post Title: The 336×280 ad unit is AdSense recommended which earns good for you. I place one 336×280 ad unit at top of the post content and wrap it with text by one side. If you are on WordPress, use Quick AdSense plugin for inserting ads or if you are on Blogger, make a div in CSS and float it either towards right or left to place it perfectly in post content. This is the first position which will perform good in increasing CTR of your AdSense ads.
A 300×250 below post: It is the second position which performs well for me. Place a 300×250 ad unit just below post content (above comments section). When your visitors finish reading your post, the ad may attract their attention.
A Horizontal Banner at Bottom: Bottom section of blogs and websites is the exit point for visitors and placing an ad here greatly improves AdSense CTR. When your visitors finish reading your post, they will move down to comments section. And after reading or making any comments, most likely they will be leaving your blog and the bottom ad if present mostly grabs their attention as an exit point. I have experienced it and it works great for me.
So these were the three ad positions where I have got the best results. Although you may love to place ads on sidebar, in header section or anywhere else, but all these positions never deliver me with good results, so I am not going to recommend you any of such placements.
Now lets have a look on how to improve CPC for ads.
Use High Paying Keywords in Content: Google’s Keyword Planner Tool helps you in finding keywords and you can do a research there to find which keywords are paying the most. First think about a topic for your next post and then go to Keyword Planner. There, do a research about your chosen topic and then sort the keywords on suggested bid. In such a way, you can find high CPC keywords. Once you compile a list of some high paying relevant keywords, use these keywords wisely in your content. It will show up high paying ads which will greatly boost your AdSense CPC.
Optimize CTR: I have mentioned earlier that CTR indirectly impacts on earnings. When your ads receive too many impressions but very few clicks, then AdSense imposes smart pricing over your account and CPC greatly falls down. So to retain a good CPC, improve CTR by placing ads perfectly like I have recommended above.
Geographic Location: The most important factor in defining AdSense CPC is the geographical location of your visitor from where the click was originated. I haven’t mentioned it earlier as you may be running a localized blog so you may be targeting local visitors only. If you are running an international blog or website, try to bring visitors from western countries by improving SERP rankings of your content globally. It will deliver great results.
Avoid Using Link Ads: Link ads receive too many impressions but CPC with these type of ads is the worst. They will not earn you good but yes, they can invite Google to smart price your account. So I would recommend you not to use any link ad units.
Write Lengthier Posts: The more text content is there in your posts, the more being promoted keywords appear in your text and AdSense then shows relevant ads which earn you good. If your posts are short, then Google may fail to understand about what you have written. In such a situation, it will push in random ads which will decrease both CTR and CPC. So to achieve good CTR and CPC, you should write lengthier (keyword rich) posts.
Niche: If you haven’t started your blog yet, then you should choose niche for it wisely. Some niches pay very high. But if you have already started your blog, then you might not need to consider it.
So these were some recommendations from my side to help you in improving your AdSense revenue up to the maximum possible level. I hope you will find these tips working. Don’t forget to tell us about any additional working tip if you have found as working :)

Monday, 17 February 2014

Being a Blogger Developer or a common user, upon previewing your template or posts you might have noticed a click trap present there to stop you from clicking anywhere in the entire blog post. Recently, one of our users asked us that how to disable or remove click trap from blogger previews. It’s a fact that we all want to cross check our posts before putting them live on our blog, but the click trap produces amount disturbance that is certainly beyond the explanation.  Today in this article, we will show you how to remove the click trap from Blogger Preview.

What is Blogger Preview Click Trap:

Basically, it’s a layer build with CSS that prevents users from clicking anywhere in the website. There are no strong reasons why Blogger has implemented this trap. But Since Blogger is an open source CMS system so with some minor tweaks we can shape it according to our liking.

To find the click trap in blogger, you would need Google Chrome with Developer tools (comes built-in).  Go to Blogger ›› New Posts ›› Preview ›› Press F12  to open the developer tools and look for “blogger-clickTrap” in the chunk of HTML Coding. Check out the following screenshot for assistance:

How to Remove Click Trap from Blogger Preview:

To remove click trap from blogger all you need to do is to add the following piece of CSS coding into your blogger template this will override the default CSS and would remove the click trap from your blog.

Paste the following code above ]]></b:skin> tag in Blogger Template.

.blogger-clickTrap {
    display: none!important;

We hope this tutorial helps you in removing the click trap from the blogger preview as it works with both custom and default blogger templates. Few designers, already include this code in their themes, but a few don’t. Do share your thoughts, If you like this post do not hesitate to share it on Facebook, Twitter, Google+.
Similar to Facebook’s Like button, Twitter’s tweet button, Google’s +1 button, Tumblr is a niche blogging service providing users to blog straight from their home without spending any money on hosting or domains. Tumblr also has their custom share button that allows more than 18 million Tumblr bloggers to share their content across their blogs in a single click. This sharing button is also useful for Tumblr users to “Reblog” the content they found anywhere on the internet not just on Tumblr. In this article, we will be showing you How to Add the Tumblr Share Button in Blogger.

The huge social impact of Tumblr is due to this “Reblog” feature that allows the users to share the same piece of content on their own blog. This helps and makes a micro-niche community stronger and work together. Though, Blogger also provides a flexible enough Reblog button to its users but today we will add a Tumblr Reblog share button to facilitate Tumblr users.

The very first thing you need to do is to login into blogger account, now go to Blogger >> Template >> Edit HTML. Add the following code above the </body> tag:

<script src=""></script>

Depending upon your needs you can now paste the following code anywhere in your template or HTML area to display the Tumblr share button. Most people recommend adding it just after the post title, for that you have to paste the following code below <data:post.body/> tag.

<a href="" title="Share on Tumblr" style="display:inline-block; text-indent:-9999px; overflow:hidden; width:61px; height:20px; background:url('') top left no-repeat transparent;">Share on Tumblr</a>

Tumblr offers various types of share buttons that can be accessed from their share button inventory. You can also select the type of your use like Vidoes, Content, images and etc. However, you can also put your own custom image by replacing the image URL from the above code.
Will you be adding this button in your Blogger site? We hope this tutorial has helped in learning how to add the Tumblr share button in blogger. To read more about Customizations refer to the Official Tumblr Button Page.
Inserting AdSense between your Posts is certainly a boring and time consuming job for a hyperactive blogger. Though, you can easily insert AdSense coding within the post’s content but what would happen if in case your AdSense account gets ban or hijacked? It would be a frustrating job to edit your all 2000+ articles with new Ad coding. For that reason, we have developed a jQuery plugin which would offer a much quicker and flexible way to insert Ads units or any other Private advertisement into your all blog post.  Therefore, today in this article, we will show you how to add AdSense Ads between Your All Posts in Blogger?

This jQuery plugin would help you to add AdSense ad unit between your all posts. However, in case your account gets ban, then you can remove them from your all the posts within seconds.  It has flexible and easy to use options that would help you to customize your ad units i.e. changing the Publisher ID, Ad Slot ID, adjusting the Widget/Height and etc.

Why to Insert AdSense between Your All Posts?

Placing AdSense ad units just after the few paragraphs of your articles would help you to maximize your earning potentials. Just think, your visitors give most of their attentions to which element on your blog? It’s not your Header, footer, sidebar not even your commenting box. Visitor only lands on your website for the sake of reading your content, so having a small Ad just between your articles would certainly increase your CTR as well as earning percentage. 
People always criticize AdSense for not providing them High click through rates. They always complain that their earning is fairly lower than their potentials. However, it is due to the lack of optimization. Therefore, it is essential that you utilize such spots i.e. between posts that could increase your earning opportunities. 

How To Insert Google AdSense Between All Posts in Blogger?

At first, we have to install the jQuery Plugin which would display the advertisements between each and every post no matter whether they are old or new because the plugin works quite brilliantly. Go to >> Your Site >> Template >> Edit HTML >> Proceed and, within the coding search for <body> Tag. After finding the <body> tag, just below it paste the following jQuery Coding. Remember: Do not forget to insert your Publisher ID as well as Ad slot ID from the following coding.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>

<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>

<div style="display: none; float:center;">
<div id="MBL-Ads">
<script type='text/javascript'>


<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>



All done: After customizing the Ad code according to your needs just press the orange "Save Template" button to conclude. 
Congratulations: You have successfully added Adsense in the middle of your postsNow visit your Blog's post pages and you will be able to see Google's ads units right in the middle of your post's content. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Why Ads are not appearing between my all Posts?
The whole plugin revolves around a modest Jquery, so probably the JavaScript files are conflicting with each other. The second reason, you might be using a template that has Automatic Post Summery with Thumbnail Plugin, that does not require to insert page break or jump break it automatically creates a summary of your content and displays it on the homepage. Since, you do not use the page break or jump break tool, so that could be the reason why the ads are not displaying properly. The solution to this problem is quite straightforward. Manually add Page break or Jump break in your posts and it would start displaying the AdSense advertisements right after the jump break line.
2. Do I need to insert Ads unit every time While writing a new Post?
While writing a new article, there is no need to insert the ad unit manually because the plugin would automatically display the advertisements within your article. However, do not forget to use the Page Break tool otherwise the ads may not appear.
3. Where is Page Break or Jump Break Tool?
The page jump break can be accessed from Post Editor. It appears in the tool bar. We have attached a screenshot below so you can easily recognize the Jump Break tool.
4. What to do only Blank Spaces are Appearing?
The browser history (cache) is causing the problem just Press CTRL+F5 to refresh the page or restart your browser and everything would start working in a systematic manner.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

blogger sitemaps are very important for webmasters to know ranking data of thier sites and improve search engine ranking in google and other search engines.submitting a sitemap to google does not mean that your site will get traffic from google and other search just a tool to know about your site and how it is performing in search engines.
however,you can improve your site ranking from the mistakes that google webmaster tools has marked in your webmaster tools like html improvements,broken links and indexing issues.

How To Create A Blogger Sitemap?

Since is google owned website,you do not have the backup files of your blogspot blog.that means that you do not have to upload files in cpanel to verify your just have to enter peace of code in google webmaster tools and your site is ready to go.

here is what you have to do.

1-go to google webmaster tools

2-click on google submit sitemap

3-enter the following code

  • atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=500
the above sitemap is only for the post less than 500.if you have more post than enter the following peice of code.
  • atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=501&max-results=1000

you must have to maintain multiple siteamps.if your post increased by 1000 then renter the above code with the no of post you have reached.
blogger sitemaps are very important for webmasters to know ranking data of thier sites and improve search engine ranking in google and other search engines.submitting a sitemap to google does not mean that your site will get traffic from google and other search just a tool to know about your site and how it is performing in search engines.

however,you can improve your site ranking from the mistakes that google webmaster tools has marked in your webmaster tools like html improvements,broken links and indexing issues.

How To Create A Blogger Sitemap?

Since is google owned website,you do not have the backup files of your blogspot blog.that means that you do not have to upload files in cpanel to verify your just have to enter peace of code in google webmaster tools and your site is ready to go.
here is what you have to do.
1-go to google webmaster tools
2-click on google submit sitemap
3-enter the following code 

the above sitemap is only for the post less than 500.if you have more post than enter the following peice of code.



you must have to maintain multiple siteamps.if your post increased by 1000 then renter the above code with the no of post you have reached.

- See more at:

Friday, 14 February 2014



To be able to withdraw PayPal money in Pakistan, it is obviously necessary to get a verified PayPal account first. For this you need to follow simple given steps below:

Sign Up For Payoneer Account

It is a famous money transfer service which provides its services worldwide. To get your PayPal account verified you should have a Payoneer account. This US payment service is approved by First Century Bank. So in order to be able to verify your Paypal account within Pakistan, you must have a Payoneer account, which can solve the Paypal problem for you in Pakistan.
Visit Payoneer Affiliates and signup for a free account. After signing up you will have to provide any prove of your identity, be it your ID card’s or Driving license’s scan. Once your identity is verified, a Master Debit card will be issued to you, which will be shipped at your address in about 20-40 days.
When your Master Card is approved, Payoneer will send you an e-mail asking you if you are interested in US payment service? You will have to sign up for this as well by answering some simple questions through mail. After you reply this e-mail your details will be reviewed and you will be accepted in US Payment Service within few days.
Once your signup is complete you will get a virtual US bank account number and a routing number via e-mail.
Generate on US Resident Details.
Now for getting a Paypal account, you’ll have sign up for it and you will need a US resident name and details. Use to do so. Iy won’t only provide you a fake name but will also take care of every little detail.

Sign Up For PayPal

Open and signup for an account using United States as your country. Fill in the US based details you have already generated. Once this is done, now verify your paypal account.
First click the link ‘Get verified’. Now you will be seeing two options, click on ‘Bank’ and fill in the details which Payoneer has sent you via e-mail. Within next few days, Paypal will send a small test amount to your Payoneer account, all you need to do is transfer this amount back to your PayPal account and you are done. Now you are a proud owner of verified PayPal account in Pakistan.


To withdraw PayPal money all you need to do is transfer your PayPal funds to your Payoneer account and withdraw it from any ATM at MCB, Citi Bank and Standard Chartered Bank with your Master Card. Payoneer also supports Global Bank Transfers that is money can also be transferred directly to your Pakistani bank account. For further details visit Payoneer website.
This process of withdrawing PayPal money can be used in any other region where direct PayPal facilities are not available.
The Summary: 
First go to and Sign Up, they will verify your details and will send you a Master Card on your provided postal address, that card will reach you approximately in 20 to 40 days in Pakistan, after receiving your Master Card, go to, create an account and select your country as “USA“, and when you created your Paypal account then verify it by putting the Bank information which you’ve got in your Payoneer account after getting your master card, all is done. Now you can easily transfer your Paypal money to your Payoneer account and then can easily CASH the amount at selected ATMs in Pakistan.
The main thing is to receive your Payoneer card in Pakistan, the rest procedure is very easy, let me know if you have further questions or any other real and legal methods to receive Paypal money in Pakistan. Happy Paypal Day!

Internet is without any doubt a great invention and has given a lot to the humanity in terms of providing free information and opportunities for everyone regardless religion, language, country and cast. But as every invention has two sides, the one which people positively use for better serving the humanity and the another one is using it for negative activities. And the same thing is happening with the internet since its invention. People use it for researching and publishing their stories, and also to buy any stuff online, companies use it for selling their products, for providing services and a lot more. While, there are a few number of people who use internet for bad activities such as making some people fool and getting money from them. There are hundreds and even thousands of scam websites which takes money from people for jobs or income and then don’t give that money back. Some scam websites offer online jobs and home-based work and when the users reach their withdrawal amount, they refuse to pay the payment, and don’t do a fair business with its customers.

So in this article we’ll be addressing a very common issue called “Scam Websites” or it might also be called “Fraud websites”, I’ll give you some tips to identify whether a website is “Scam” or “real”. So after reading this article, its your turn to identify the website you are going to do a business with or a deal with. Alhamdullillah, I have common sense myself and have never been scammed by anyone on the internet. And I’ll share the same measures with you which I use for checking a website and its credibility.

How people are scammed on the internet?

I received many emails, SMS and comments from our readers and some people who were complaining that some sites or a site scammed them and didn’t refund their money back. They mostly complain about their own money which was taken from them by “Scam websites” in order to provide them benefits and income, but there was neither income nor the invested money was given back. My answer to all those brothers and sisters is; why didn’t you ask someone for the reality and credibility of that website before investing your money there?, if you quietly did everything yourself and then you came to know you’ve been plundered then why you are asking people to get your money back from them, but at the time you were blindly investing your money, you didn’t ask anyone.

How to Identify a Scam website?

So here I come with few indications that are given by the “Scam websites” themselves, which are common in each and every website who are doing bad business with people. Here is the list of those common indications which you must consider in order to identify whether the website is scam or not? and should you invest your money or not:
  • Mostly scam websites offer “Guarantee” on everything, even they offer you lifetime money back guarantee
  • Scam websites mostly don’t have the real owner or contact numbers on their websites
  • Scam websites mostly try to hide their country and office address
  • Scam websites are always designed with “colors” and “Shiny” words, so that one may be inspired by them easily
  • Most of the scam websites tell you a shortcut for getting success or making money online
The above are few indications which you can use to identify a scam website or a fraud company, but there are a lot more to be pointed out when making a decision about the reality of a website on the internet.
Some websites offer services like SEO, Web Designing, Web Development and making money online etc in Pakistan. So if you want to get any of their services then kindly first check their own ranking and reputation as well as their history in the market.
You can check anyone’s ranking using different tools such as, and many other tools. You should also check the projects they have already done and ask their customers for more satisfaction. If their customers told you about their services and customer support that would be an extra information for you before making any decision.
If anyone is just offering you services they have not expertise in then it might be harmful for you in the future. you might lose your money as well as precious time.
My message is particularly for Pakistani users who are mostly being affected by scam sites because they mostly don’t consider the factors which I mentioned above. So be aware and do a comprehensive research before you join any website that asks you for investment.
Last Thing: 
In USA and western countries even the governments are taking care of people and making them aware from losing their money. So you can take a look at this FBI’s page for increasing your knowledge more and more in order to be on safe side:
There are however some other websites which can help you to detect how a website is secure and reliable, so you may always use these websites to check more about the website you are going to do any business with:
Note: All the above information provided by us is just for common awareness about identifying the spamming and fraud websites, we have not mentioned any particular website or company, its just for general purpose to identify a website or company on the internet.
Let me know in comments if you have further questions or you want to add any suggestions to this post, so people may get more help from your suggestions. Thank You!

Best SEO Link Building methods in 2014

Posted by networm on 03:33 with No comments
link building
Link building is a must part of any SEO project. I must say ranking your website is incomplete without doing link building. your website’s link building is done in an appropriate way. If you are confused about what are the best SEO link building methods then not to worry, we would here give you an updated overview of the best strategies. I am sure by following these easy to understand link building methods, you be able to enjoy the good blog ranking because Google continuously updates its algorithm strategies and this is why an SEO project handler should keep in mind the following link building strategies and methods.

Before going to know about the tips, have a look at following SEO tutorials: 

#1, Good Content matters:

I don’t know if you have noticed it or not but the quality of contents and articles is the key to success for every SEO project. It is a tip of SEO strategy that you should always create well engaged content and articles for your website. The importance of good and quality content can not be ignored in SEO link building, because it would become the reason for you to get maximum traffic from social media and other networks.

#2, Quality Info-graphics:

Google always prefer the blogs to rank higher which have best and quality info-graphics. For this reason, you have to create top notch and valid info-graphics for your blog or website. Try your level best to create best info-graphics with valid data source so that your web site gets ranked higher. Another must remember thing is that you should embed your code in a way that no one else can track or hack it. This would tremendously increase your blog ranking because it is a very effective link building method.

#3, Directory Submissions:

Google prefer the blogs and websites which have used quality directories in order to submit their contents. Thus, directory submission is yet another very effective SEO link building method. The blogs which implement quality directory submission strategies, usually get very good PR. So you need to use the web directories as per your blog niche and submit it as much as you can.

#4, Guest Posting:

Guest posting is yet another very efficient SEO link building method. Try you get information about the best websites or blogs with PR 1 to 3 in order to write guest posts at. Within every article / post you write at such blogs, you can insert your own website’s link in order to get direct organic traffic. Almost all the bloggers and SEOs make use of this link building ideas because so far it has been a proven effective method to rank the websites. It is due to the reason that Google and other search engines crawl such websites better and easier so their rankings go higher and higher.
But make sure, you guest post for quality blogs and you know the website owner better for whom you are doing guest posting, because recently Google’s head of web spam (Matt Cutts) hinted to not do this practice everywhere for the sake of backlinks, but yeah, it’s still a great method to create backlinks but with authority and interaction.

#5, Using Social Media Networking Websites:

You should try to use as many social networking communities and forums in order to build quality links for your website. This can be done when you create both personal and professional profiles at facebook, twitter, linked-in, google+ and other social networking websites, and once the profiles have been created then the next step is to join the comments and communications and leave your website link over there. The more you input your efforts in this regard, the better organic traffic would be generated to your website, and thus the better would be its ranking.
All these methods are quite easy and once you get to know their significant role in ranking the website higher, I am sure you wouldn’t miss the chance of following them so that quality links are built for your website. So how did you like my post? Please let me know with your comments.

Thursday, 13 February 2014


Posted by networm on 21:48 with No comments

Increase blog traffic – 5 easy ways

This article is just one of many articles I publish each Tuesday called Traffic Tips Tuesday. Each post will provide you with a comprehensive tip to increase traffic to your blog or website. You can see all of the tips on the Traffic Tips Tuesday page.
New and experienced bloggers have at least two things in common, they want to increase traffic to their blog.  Traffic drives many things on your blog including earnings and growth.  There are many different ways to increase blog traffic, but here are 5 easy ways that new bloggers can easily start driving traffic to their blog:

Comment on other blogs in your niche

Commenting on other blogs in your niche should be a priority for all new bloggers from day one.  Commenting on other blogs does the following:
  1. Increases traffic to your blog – When you leave a comment on another blog, you are able to leave a link to your blog.  Viewers of the comment see these links and often click through to see your blog.
  2. Adds links to your blog -  This is especially true if the blog you’re leaving a comment on is a DoFollow* blog.  Remember, links from high quality websites help to establish credibility with search engines and are driving factor in how well your articles rank in the search engines.
  3. Getting noticed – If you add comments to high authority blogs within your niche you’ll get noticed by the owners of those blogs.  In return they may: visit and comment on your blog, promote your articles via social media, or maybe even link out to one or more of your articles.
A quick note on Do Follow – Many blogs don’t implement Do Follow anymore as spammers very quickly learned they could use Do Follow blogs to generate links to their sites. This unfortunately resulted in a large amount of spam comments for higher traffic blogs and those blogs having a decent page rank.  If you’re blog is a higher traffic blog, than this is something you should consider.  For new and smaller blogs though, I still strongly advocate Do Follow as it’s a great way to encourage and receive comments.  This blog is a Do Follow blog.
When commenting on other blogs, make sure you that you leave well thought out and valuable comments.  Avoid leaving invaluable comments like “Great Article”, “Good one” or “Hadn’t thought of that”.  Always spend time adding value and perspective to the article.  Look for ways of sharing your own unique thoughts or ideas related to the articles content, this will help you get noticed.  If you disagree with the article, that’s okay too, just do so in a respectful and thoughtful manner, never be rude.

Use Social Media

Social media is quickly becoming as critical to your blog’s success as ranking well on the various search engines.  Sites like FaceBook and Twitter can drive a large amount of high quality traffic to your blog, but there’s a catch: You must actively participate in social media.   As you would expect, social media is very social.  What I mean by that is that you have to be active in the community in order to have “followers” and friends.  The number of followers or friends you have is directly proportional to how much traffic you will see as a result.
Many new bloggers create a Facebook or Twitter account and just have their blog automatically publish their new articles to these accounts.  That’s perfectly fine too do, but doing just that isn’t enough.  Frankly only publishing your articles is boring.  To take it to the next level, you must participate.  This involves:
  1. Talk to your community – Interact with your community and add perspective on their opinions and thoughts.  Ask them questions and listen to their answers.  Engage yourself in their discussions and provide value.
  2. Help promote your community – If you help promote the members of your community, they, in return, will help promote you.  The blogging world is definitely a “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” environment.
  3. Be personable. Don’t be shy about sharing a little of yourself.  Let your community know that you are indeed a real person.  I realize some people will be more comfortable than others here, but sharing a little of yourself with your community goes a long way in helping make you successful.  People like to get to know you, don’t be afraid to share a little of yourself with them.
Another popular social media site I like is StumbleUpon.  StumbleUpon allows you to “channel surf” websites that are in categories you like and are interested in.  As you channel surf you can like and dislike sites.  The more likes a site gets, the more that site is shown to people channel surfing.  StumbleUpon can drive a very large amounts of traffic to your blog.  In general the traffic isn’t real sticky, meaning most people will never come back, but some do.  I’ve often found new blogs and sites I now really like using StumbleUpon.
Important: Don’t stumble your own articles.  I learned this one of the hard way 2 years ago when my account was basically blacklisted for a while.  Also avoid stumbling friends sites or the same sites too often.  This will also get you black listed.

Link Out to other blogs in your niche

As I mentioned above, blogging is a “scratch my back I’ll scratch yours” world.  A great way to get noticed and get traffic to your site is by linking out to other blogs within your niche.  For example: Write a list post of your favorite blogs.  Make sure you include a link to those blogs.  The owners of those sites in return for you linking to them will help promote your article.  One of my clients, Christopher over at The Happy Seeker learned the value in doing this recently with his list post.
Even when my blogs become fairly large with a good amount of traffic, I always continue to try and link out to other blogs I read and like.  Why?  Why help the competition?  There is plenty of space so competition isn’t really a problem until you become very big.  Remember, blogging is very social, good deeds get returned with good deeds.  Linking out to others increases your chance of getting linked to.  Lastly, it provides value to your readers.  Your readers will appreciate you linking out to other blogs.

Participate in online forums

Actively participating in online forums can result in a substantial traffic increase to your blog over time.  The trick is you have to be active.  There are online forums for almost any topic you can think of, and most likely their are numerous forums around the topic of your blog.  Use a forum directory site like Big Boards to find 1 or 2 large forums focused on your blog’s topic and join them.
At first, don’t discuss your blog.  Just become an active member of the forums.  Use the forums to ask questions and learn more about your blog’s topic.  These topics can be great sources for article ideas.  Even more important: provide well thought out and comprehensive responses to other member’s posts.  Engage in the discussions and make yourself be known as an active, knowledgeable and helpful member.
After a few weeks, go into the forums control panel and add a link to your blog in the signature.  Don’t announce that you’ve done this, just add it nonchalantly.  What will happen is that after people in the forums read your post, they’ll begin to click through to your blog.  All of the sudden you now have targeted traffic visiting your blog.  Forums members are the perfect audience and many times will become followers and readers of your blog.
Don’t over use this strategy, but every so often if you’ve written an article you are particularly proud of, post about it in the forums.  This will not only provide value to the forum community, but it will generate additional traffic to your blog and expose it more directly to new members of the forum.
One last tip on forums: pay attention to the forum rules! Many forums have particular rules about links in your signature and about post links to your websites.  Make sure you don’t violate the rules or you might get kicked out.
Forums are a win/win for bloggers.  By participating you add value for the forum and to it’s members, in return the forum can generate traffic to your blog and new readers.

Guest Post

Finally, they key strategy in getting traffic: Guest post.  Writing guest posts for other blogs in your niche, especially big ones, can generate a large amount of very sticky traffic for your site.  Writing guest posts also has the huge benefit of helping to get you noticed.  Look for blogs in your niche that are large, meaning one’s that have a large amount of readers and have authority in your niche.  Think of a few good article topics and send an email to the blog’s owner introducing yourself and asking if they accept guest articles.  In your email propose a few article ideas you’ve come up along with stating that you’re open to any ideas they may have as well.
One trick that will help your guest post idea be accepted: be a little “off topic”.  What I mean is the owner of the blog you’re interested in guest posting on probably has tons of articles on their niche and probably lots of ideas for future articles as well.  What can make you valuable as guest author is writing a guest article that is in the same theme as the target blog but is related to your particular niche.
Here are a few examples of what I mean:
  1. If I blog on personal finance, I might want to propose an article for Darren Rowse at about how to handle your accounting and taxes when you earn income blogging.  See what I mean?  The article is related to blogging (which Problogger is about) but is also related to personal finance.
  2. Perhaps I could write an article for Ryan at Cash Money Life who’s blog is about personal finance.  My article could focus on earning side income blogging or consulting on the side in order to pay off debt.
  3. If I write about Catholicism and the holy rosary, it might be good to write an article about Catholicism on a Protestant blog or maybe even Atheistic blog.  Sure it might stir up a little controversy, but controversial and engaging topics are sometimes the most popular, just make sure you have thick skin!  My point with this example is think outside the box.  Often you can write content relevant to your area of expertise but have it published on a blog that writes on a very different topic.  The question you need to ask is: Would the audience be interested?
These are just a few examples but hopefully you get the gist of what I mean and these examples stir your creative juices.

In Summary

You’ll note one common theme with all of these strategies: They aren’t free. Each and every one requires work and effort on your part.  Some require more than others, but regardless traffic isn’t free.  I did intentionally focus on strategies that are easy and require a minimal time investment.  As with most things in life, an increase in blog traffic requires time and effort.  The more time and effort you put in, the more blog traffic you’ll receive.